The Living Room Lancaster

The Living Room Lancaster

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  • Community Groups
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  • TLR Interns

The living room

Young adult ministry

Tuesday Nights at 7pm

Changed Lives Change lives

The Living Room is Worship Center's community for single and married young adults, ages 18-30. We desire to be a vibrant community of faith that encourages and equips each other to be radically abandoned to Christ. We do this through building relationships with each other in many different environments from our weekly Tuesday night gathering, community groups, retreats, missions trips, leading on a team, and just meeting during the week one2one over coffee.

The best way to get connected to the TLR community is to visit our weekly gathering on Tuesday Nights. Where you will experience worship, the word, encouragement, and find out how to get connected this to a vibrant community of over 500+ young adults desiring to see changed lives change lives. There is a place for you here!

Past MessagesTLR Podcast

We're Live Now!

Join other young adults February 4-6 2022 for TLR's Winter Retreat!
We will be going to the Ponderosa Lodge in Lock Haven, PA to be refreshed, encouraged in the word, make connections with old & new friends & just flat out have a good time together! This weekend will include times of worship, teaching, community time activities (sledding, hiking, board games, etc) & lots of time to connect with other TLR friends!

Sign Up

Water Baptism

Deciding to follow jesus

One of Jesus' commands was for His followers to be water baptized. Jesus Himself was baptized by John the Baptist as He started His earthly ministry. Come follow Him in His footsteps as you publicly proclaim your faith in Jesus. The next baptism at TLR is

January 4, 2022



What is God doing in your life right now?

Sharing what God is doing inspires others and offers hope to people in similar situations.

Share your story by recording a short 3 minute video highlighting what God has been doing in your life and upload it here.


Equip Classes

Equip Classes offers you the opportunity to experience community and grow!!

Whether on the topic of leadership, coaching, finances, or the core basics of the Christian faith, our Equip classes are designed to help you grow in your faith and find your purpose in Jesus.


Community Groups

We are all on a journey of discovering and living out what God is calling us to. We believe God's plan is for us to do this together with other believers. We are convinced that connected people grow, so that's why we offer community groups.

In every group environment, we encourage each person in what we call "The Four Cs": Connect, Care, Challenge to Grow, and Celebrate. These groups are launched 2 times a year for about 9 to 12 weeks each season. Ready to get connected in community?

Group Finder

TLR Lead

As TLR Leaders we strive to model the DNA of our vision for The Living Room. Our vision is to be a vibrant community of faith, encouraging and equipping each other to be radically abandoned to Christ. There are many opportunities to lead at TLR through our TLR Lead teams.

Find Out More

Are you looking for a unique way to move closer to God and be challenged to grow and step out of your comfort zone? The TLR internship offers you 12 weeks of focused time to discover the tools of coaching, experience behind-the-scenes planning of church events, all in the company of other interns like you who want to grow and mature in your their ability to lead others.


The Living Room Lancaster



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